Tuesday, February 9, 2016

DAILY?READINGS: Gen. 47:28 to 48:22; Psalms 26-27; Matt. 26:57-75

Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. Proverbs 16:3

How much do we fulfill this proverb? Can we commit everything that we do and think to the Lord each day, or are there things that would make us cringe if the Lord were to walk into the room? What about the TV programmes we see and the magazines we read? Do they exalt the Lord or honour Him in any way at all? David prayed that the Lord would help him to walk within his house with a perfect heart and have no wicked thing before his eyes. —G. Frear

Jesus, ’tis my aim divine, hence to have no will but Thine,
Let me covenant with Thee, Thine for evermore to be:
This my prayer, and this alone, Saviour, let Thy will be done!
—O. Winslow