Thursday, May 19, 2016

DAILY?READINGS: Numbers 32; Proverbs 28; Luke 4:1-15

…for they were counted faithful… Nehemiah 13:13

Nehemiah had done a great work in enabling the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls and refocusing the people’s hearts upon God. He then went back to Babylon and after a long delay returned to find regression in Jerusalem. The Temple storerooms had been profaned with an enemy given them as a residence. Nehemiah condemned such an arrangement and the rooms were reverted back to their sacred use. To ensure that this was maintained, he appointed four men as overseers. They were chosen because they were faithful. One of the great characteristics that God looks for in His people is faithfulness. Do we display that attribute? —Paul Young

Come, ye faithful raise the anthem,
Cleave the skies with shouts of praise.
—J. Hupton & J. M. Neale