Saturday, October 1, 2016

DAILY?READINGS: 2 Kings 1; Jeremiah 34; Hebrews 5:11 to 6:20

But thou hast fully known my…what persecutions…I endured: but out of them all the Lord delivered me. 2 Timothy 3:10-11

The unique thing about being a Christian is not that we are protected or saved from the common problems of life. We still get sick, we still have financial problems and should the Lord delay, we still die! But we have a secret that the world knows nothing about. We have the Lord’s presence to carry us through and at His coming, He will deliver us out of all the challenges of life. —Sid Halsband

Since all that I meet shall work for my good,
The bitter is sweet, the med’cine is food;
Though painful at present, ’twill cease before long,
And then, oh, how pleasant the conqueror’s song!
—John Newton