Friday, March 3, 2017

DAILY READINGS: Exodus 22:1-23:9; Psalms 64:1 -65:13; Acts 12:1-25

In those days came John the Baptist…saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Matthew 3:1-2

John’s preaching concerned repentance and a subsequent baptism to prove that his “converts” meant what they said. John was an unusual man with no use for anything fine or fancy; a loner who grew up in the desert. John didn’t mince matters when he saw the Pharisees and Sadducees come to be baptised. He called them serpents and demanded that they repent too. We too, should have the fruit of repentance in our lives. —G. Frear

There is a river, that flows from deep within;
There is a fountain, that frees the soul from sin;
Come to this water, there is a vast supply;
There is a river, that never shall run dry. —D. & M. Sapp