Monday, May 22, 2017

DAILY READINGS: Numbers 35:9-36:13; Proverbs 31:1-31; Luke 5:17-39

And his voice as the sound of many waters. Revelation 1:15

I recently parked by the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia as a hurricane was passing by only a few kilometers off shore. The noise of the wind and waves pummeling the shoreline was deafening and any sound I could make with my voice or car horn was inaudible by comparison. No excuse or objection will be heard in that day when He comes to rule in His glory; no matter how vehement or persistent. He speaks, and the entire universe listens in silent awe. —Rick Morse
Thy voice like great waters, how calmly our soul,
Shall hear in the glory its deep waters roll;
Though now it rebukes and humbles our pride,
It shall speak only love to Thy glorified bride. —E. Grimley