Saturday, January 20, 2018

DAILY?READINGS: Gen. 26:1-35; Job 32:1-33:33; Matt. 13:44-14:12

A new commandment I give unto ye, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. John 13:34

Why is this a new commandment? Hasn’t God always commanded us to love? In the Old Testament we were commanded to love our neighbour as we love ourself. This is a high standard. But the new commandment is even higher. We are now to love one another by the example of Christ. We should love each other sacrificially and selflessly. The new standard of love is the standard of Christ Himself. Do we love in such a way? —Shane Johnson

Beloved let us love: for love is light, And he who loveth not, dwelleth in night.
Beloved let us love, for only thus, Shall we behold, that God who loveth us. —H. Bonar