April 19

DAILY READINGS: Leviticus 26:1-46; Psalm 140:1-141:10; Mark 10:32-52

For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 2:5

If God were some austere and distant figure, unable or unwilling to reveal Himself to man in love and grace, man would be in a most dreadful position. But standing between us (in all our need), and God (in His unbending righteousness)
is one great mediator; God the Son. The Father is well pleased with Him. Yet He loves us to the extent that He died for us. He is the perfect and unfailing mediator between God and us. God the Father is reachable only through that mediator. But, thankfully, in this work He never fails. —Doug Kazen

Though many a fiery, flaming dart, the tempter levels at my heart,
With this I all his rage repel; my Jesus has done all things well.
—S. Medley

April 18

DAILY READINGS: Leviticus 25:1-55; Psalm 139:1-24; Mark 10:1-31

Abraham said, Son, remember. Luke 16:25, KJV

Visiting Brussels I was struck by a poster of a road sign bearing the word “Remember.” If one did not remember in time, the
road would take you to the wrong destination. It reminded me of the pitiful existence of the beggar compared to the luxury of
the rich man in the above passage, and of what Abraham said to the rich man in eternity and doomed—“Son, remember.” Many in a lost eternity will remember invitations to accept God’s way of salvation. But they left it too late and thus found themselves at a horrible destination. —Brian Powlesland

Memory like an adder stingeth, all the wasted past upbringeth;
Could I but that viper strangle, half my miseries would be o’er,
But around my heart it coileth, every frantic effort foileth,
Will it quit me nevermore? Echo answers, nevermore. —H. Bonar

April 17

DAILY READINGS: Leviticus 24:1-23; Psalms 137:1-138:8; Mark 9:33-50

In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind. Job 12:10, KJV

If God were to close His hand on your breath today, where would your soul be? If you have trusted the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, it will be well. “Absent from the body, and…present with the Lord” (2 Corinthians 5:8, KJV). If not, it will be separation from God for all eternity. Put your trust in Him today. —E. MacLelland

Eternity! But Jesus died—Yes Jesus died on Calvary;
Behold Him thorn-crowned, crucified,
The spotless One made sin for thee.
O sinner haste! For refuge flee—He saves, and for eternity.
—Author Unknown

April 16

DAILY READINGS: Lev. 23:23-44; Psalms 135:1-136:26; Mark 9:14-32

For you are dust, and to dust you shall return. Genesis 3:19

Every time we stand in a cemetery beside a coffin and hear the words “dust unto dust,” we are reminded of the entrance of sin into this world. These words were spoken to Adam after he and Eve had disobeyed God. Before that there was no death, no cemeteries, no graves and no separation from loved ones. But there is an answer. “For the wages of sin is death, but the free
gift of God is eternal life” (Romans 6:23). Praise God there is hope in a gift of eternal life that God generously offers. Accept
that gift today and be saved. —M. Robins

Dust to dust, the mortal dies, Both the foolish and the wise;
God my waiting soul shall save, He will raise me from the grave.
—Author Unknown

April 15

DAILY READINGS: Lev. 23:1-22; Psalms 132:1-134:3; Mark 8:27-9:13

What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes. James 4:14

The latest research establishes that the iceberg, which the Titanic struck had been spotted when it was 2,000 feet away, almost a minute before the impact. For around half of that time the ship had held its course. Had the officer in charge reacted even 15 seconds sooner, the ship may have missed the iceberg, and the lives of 1,476 persons might have been saved. We know that individuals can pass away very quickly, in much less than 30 seconds. At this moment, you have an opportunity to trust the Saviour. Don’t wait another moment. —Arnot P. McIntee

Life at best it is very brief, Like the falling of a leaf.
Like the binding of a sheaf, Be in time. —Author Unknown

April 14

DAILY READINGS: Leviticus 22:1-33; Psalm 128:1-131:3; Mark 8:11-26

And he had to pass through Samaria. John 4:4

In the previous chapter, Jesus had bluntly told the Pharisee, Nicodemus, about his need for new spiritual birth. In this chapter His conversation is with an outcast woman of Samaria and His interaction is entirely different. The story begins by noting that the Saviour went out of His way to meet her. Their contact at the well was a divine necessity and as the Saviour spoke to her, He drew her to Himself with grace and truth! She believed and was saved along with many of the townsfolk. The Saviour is looking to meet with you today. —Jim Pizzulli

Jesus gave her water, that was not from the well; She went away
singing, and came back bringing, Others to the water, that was not
from the well! —Let’s Sing About Jesus, 49

April 13

DAILY READINGS: Leviticus 21:1-24; Psalms 124:1-127:5; Mark 7:24-8:10

The One who is high and lifted up, who inhabits eternity. Isaiah 57:15

The place, which is called Calvary. Luke 23:33, KJV

Eternity and Calvary are two profound subjects. Together they are central to the theme of every Gospel message. The idea of Calvary arose in eternity, in the heart of God. Mankind will be divided into two classes in eternity because of Calvary. What you do with the Man of Calvary now determines where you will spend eternity. For the believer, eternity will be spent with the Man of Calvary. For those who reject the love of Calvary, a lost eternity awaits. —Milton Haack

I am redeemed, O praise the Lord; My soul from bondage free,
Has found at last a resting place, In Him who died for me.
—Fanny J. Crosby

April 12

DAILY READINGS: Leviticus 19:1-20:27; Psalms 120:1-123:4; Mark 7:1-23

When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, “It is finished.” John 19:30

The story is told of a Christian man who had an unsaved friend who was a cabinet maker. The unsaved friend could not understand how Christ finished the work of redemption and why he could not do something for his own soul’s salvation. One day in the man’s shop, his Christian friend picked up a plane and walked toward a beautiful finished cabinet. As he pretended to make some finishing touches, the cabinet maker let out a yell, “Don’t touch that, it’s finished!” The same is true for Christ’s work; it is finished and cannot be added to. —W. Ross Rainey

Lifted up was He to die, “It is finished”, was His cry; Now in
heaven exalted high! Hallelujah! What a Saviour! —Philip P. Bliss

April 11

DAILY READINGS: Leviticus 17:1-18:30; Psalm 119:145-176; Mark 6:30-56

I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved. John 10:9a, NKJV

“Lord, Lord, open for us,” and He will answer and say to you, “I do not know you, where you are from,” Luke 13:25, NKJV

There were two doors in the clinic. One was open and the doctor was welcoming new patients. The other door was closed—no more room. Today the door to heaven is open to anyone who will come by faith to God—trusting in the Lord Jesus as their Saviour. Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6, NKJV). Tomorrow the door could be closed. How solemn the words, “I do not know you.” Will you not come while the door is open? —Dave Spearing

I am the Door, the Saviour said, the Life-gate of the soul:
All those who enter in, are made complete and whole. —N. Johnson

April 10

DAILY READINGS: Leviticus 16:1-34; Psalm 119:113-144; Mark 6:1-29

A full reward be given you by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge! Ruth 2:12

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem…How often would I have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing! Luke 13:34

King David had undoubtedly heard of his great-grandmother Ruth, a foreigner, coming to trust the God of Israel and taking shelter under His protecting wings. When the Lord Jesus came, He used the same metaphor, but His perfect shelter was refused. The comfort and shelter of those almighty wings are still offered to all who trust in Him and accept His salvation. May we rejoice today in the peace found there. —Tom Steere

Thy people to Thee ever for grace and help repair, For Thou they
know wilt never refuse their griefs to share. —J. G. Deck