The Glory of The Ages

$27.79 CAD

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SKU: 9781897117705
Author: David Dunlap
ISBN-13: 9781897117705
Pages: 256
Binding: Paperback
Publisher: Gospel Folio Press (2008)
Categories: , , ,


Dispensational theology discussed in language all Christians can understand.

There is a critical need today for Christians to think more clearly about dispensational theology. The proper understanding of biblical doctrine is not a mere academic exercise but is essential for every Christian. It is spiritual fuel for the soul and a guardrail for the church.

Much in modern-day theology confuses more than it clarifies; it often creates more questions than answers. Good theology provides clarity, answers, and commitment to biblical truth. However, the best theology is that which exalts Christ and stirs passion to better understand Scripture, while nurturing a deep love for Christ.

The reader will find that, during the last two hundred years, no theology has touched more lives, stirred more hearts towards evangelism, or awakened more Christians to greater love for Christ than dispensational theology. May the Lord use this book not only to help us better understand doctrine, but also to nurture a greater devotion to Christ.

The Glory of the Ages discusses complex truths in language that all Christians can understand, quoting freely from the Scripture and from the writings of evangelical leaders both past and present.