Epistles of John, The

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SKU: 39730
Author: Van Ryn, August
ISBN-13: 39730


The Epistles of John
By: August Van Ryn


– Introduction to the Epistles
– The First Epistle of John
– Introduction
– Detailed Study of the First Epistle of John (Chapters I-V)
– The Second Epistle of John
– The Third Epistle of John

From the back cover:

The leading feature of John’s ministry, differing from that of Peter and Paul, is that it occupies us with God Himself, with what He is in Himself, the life of God–the eternal life that was ever with the Father. John presents in his Gospel the manifestation of God in the Lord Jesus Christ–the Man Christ Jesus. In John’s Epistles, that eternal life, once found only in Christ, is seen as communicated to those who believe in Jesus, and displaying itself in us.

John occupies our hearts with the Blesser Himself. We are so prone to be occupied with our blessings rather than with Him; and here John’s ministry fills a most necessary place, one full of blessing and greatly needed by the believer. What would all our blessings be without the Lord Jesus Christ, the Blesser? The Giver is greater than His gifts. The Father who gave the Son, and the Son who gave Himself for us are far above the benefits they have secured to us; and we need the sense of this in our souls to keep us from glorifying ourselves on account of the great blessings that have been given unto us. The ministry of John serves to maintain that very needed realization.

The purpose of John is twofold: to show who Jesus is, and that those who believe may have everlasting life, through His Name.

ISBN: n/a
Pages: 181
Publisher: Christian Missions Press (Copyright 1948, reprint 1982)
Author: Van Ryn, August