Thursday, December 13, 2012

DAILY?READINGS: Ezra 9; Daniel 10; Revelation 5


And the LORD God commanded the man… Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. Genesis 2:16-17

The serpent said… Ye shall not surely die. Genesis 3:4


Has God given you a command? Does it seem strange? Perhaps out of touch with society’s thinking? The devil is a liar, and with time he will try to convince you to disobey God’s Word. He will whisper, “Why may everyone else walk that road and not you?” We do well to remember that he hates us and wants to spoil our life. Jesus came to bring life. He does not change, neither does His Word. Stick to His instructions. He loves you and wants your best! —Johannes Bruwer

His love is so boundless, they know no dismay;
To those who confess Him, believe, and obey. —Author Unknown