Monday, December 22, 2014


DAILY?READINGS: Nehemiah 9; Zechariah 5-6; Revelation 14

In my Father’s house are many mansions.   John 14:2
Having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better.   Philippians 1:23b

It was almost Christmas. After a time away, we couldn’t wait to get home. As we approached our house the girls stated sadly, “There’ll be no lights or decorations.” We turned into our drive and to our surprise, we discovered lights on the tree and all around the house as the rest of the family waited to welcome us home. It was a blessed moment of warmth and joy. Dear weary Christian, does the future look bleak? Is life a challenge? Have you lost a loved friend? Soon we’ll be home and what a welcome awaits those who have loved and served their Lord. It is far better.  —Janet Fleming

It’s in the darkest hour, that hope’s light shines bright,
We’ll meet you in the morning; till then it’s just good night. —J. F.