Lord’s Day, February 15, 2015


DAILY?READINGS: Exodus 5 to 6:13; Psalms 35-36; Acts 2:1-21


…It is the Lord’s Passover.  Exodus 12:11
…Even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us. 1 Corinthians 5:7

Their bondage in Egypt had passed, but before the Lord’s people left, God gave them instructions as to how they were to remember the event. Each family was to take a perfect lamb, sacrifice it and collect its blood. It was then to be applied to the door lintel and the two side posts of each house. When the Lord passed over the land that night, the applied blood showed that those within had obeyed God’s Word and would be spared His hand of judgment. We rejoice that Christ is our Passover, having been slain for us, and His shed blood assures us we will never experience His hand of judgment. —Arnot P. McIntee

Behold! A spotless Victim dies, my surety on the tree; 
The Lamb of God, the sacrifice, He gave Himself for me!
—Author Unknown