Monday, July 20, 2015


DAILY?READINGS: Judges 14-15; Isaiah 34; 1 Corinthians 12


Remove not the ancient landmark (boundary), which thy fathers have set. Proverbs 22:28

Today there is a relentless war on the traditional values of home and parenthood. The boundaries have been pushed back so far, that there are hardly any landmarks left! The Scriptures present the father as the “patriarch” and the mother as “keeper at home” (Titus 2:5). The term “patriarch,” has the idea of the “leader, protector, teacher, provider of godly family values”. Mothers as “keepers at home” are to be the “watcher, keeper, guard of their own home”. A lady turned to her friend and said, “Oh. I’d give my life to have such children.” The lady replied, “That’s exactly what it cost!” —Jim Comte

May our home be an altar with worship to Thee, 
A beacon of light for the wayward to see.
—Author Unknown