Lord’s Day, January 8, 2017

DAILY?READINGS: Gen. 10 to 11:26; Job 13-14; Matt. 6:19 to 7:6

And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. John 12:32

Many mysteries shroud our lives. Painful and perplexing questions leave us wondering. A broken hearted mother cried, “Where was God when my son died?” A quiet voice responded, “The same place He was when His own Son died.” At Calvary we find the greatest mystery of all. Who can explain God’s wrath poured out on His innocent, spotless Son? Who can fathom God’s love manifested to us? Amidst it all, a gleam of light shines through as the uplifted Saviour cries, “Finished!” Beyond our sorrow; beyond the cross, there is the triumph of a resurrected Saviour and a filled throne. —Jim Comte

Lifted up was He to die,
“It is finished,” was His cry;
Now in heav’n exalted high:
Hallelujah, what a Saviour! —Philip P. Bliss