Saturday, December 12, 2020

Ezra 8:1-36; Daniel 9:1-27; Revelation 4:1-11

David…escaped to the cave of Adullam…and everyone who was in distress…in debt…was discontented gathered to him. 1 Samuel 22:1-2, NKJV
We are yours, O David; We are on your side, O son of Jesse! 1 Chronicles 12:18, NKJV

A discontented and unpromising band of misfits escaped to the cave of Adullam to join their rejected king, David. Yet, this band of men became a remarkable army of mighty men. In the same way, the Lord Jesus, of whom David is a picture, has taken sinners like you and me and has redeemed us and called us to follow Him. We too are gathered to Him! What an honour! —Jim Comte

Sunk in ruin, sin, and misery, bound by Satan’s captive chain,
My Redeemer, my Redeemer, plucked me as a brand from hell. —Author Unknown