Tuesday, November 29, 2022

2 Chronicles 29:1-36; Ezekiel 45:1-25; John 20:19-31

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.  Philippians 4:23

In every greeting and closing comment, in every letter that Paul wrote to the churches, he included the word grace. Why? At one time he was a religious zealot who persecuted the innocent and brutally murdered in the name of his religion. He was a wicked man and a stranger to grace. Then the Lord met him on a dusty road! He conversed with him, convinced him, converted him and gave him eternal life. Paul became overwhelmed by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We should be too! —Ray Jones

Grace, grace it was that brought Thee down;
Love shone in all Thy ways;
Through death Thine is the Victor’s crown;
And Thine the endless praise. —Douglas Russell