January 3

DAILY READINGS: Gen. 3; Job 4:1-5:27; Matt. 3

Jesus…said, “It is finished.” John 19:30

A young man, burdened with his sin, cried out, “Sir, please tell me what I must do to be saved.” The answer came back, “You are too late! There is nothing you can do; nearly 2000 years ago everything that was needed for you to be saved was done by the Lord Jesus Christ when He died in your place on the cross.” Yes, He finished the work and is now waiting and ready to save you. Are you trying to earn what Christ has already paid for you? Come to Him and receive eternal life as a gift by putting your faith in Him (Romans 6:23). —David Croudace

Weary, working, burdened one, wherefore toil you so?
Cease your doing; all was done long, long ago.
Cast your deadly “doing” down, down at Jesus’ feet;
Stand in Him, in Him alone, gloriously complete.—J. Proctor

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Genesis 3:1-24; Job 4:1-5:27; Matthew 3:1-17

By faith Noah…prepared an ark for the saving of his household. Hebrews 11:7 NKJV

Noah had an exceptional connection with God. In a time filled with evil and sin, he alone was righteous. He had the courage to follow God’s instructions, even though he was mocked by society.  He stayed true to his convictions even when many years passed by. Can we be like Noah in these troubled times? Can we stand up for our beliefs among the jeering crowds? I pray that I can be a Noah this year. —Debbie Douglas

We need another Noah,
In this world that is filled with sin,
To point them to the ark of safety
Then compel them to come in.  —Rachel McCutcheon