A Nation Mourns

$4.41 CAD

31 in stock

Author: Fraser Munro
Pages: Folded Tract
Binding: Folded Tract
Publisher: Ritchie Media
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Tract Reads:

We knew that the day was bound to come, but when it did come, the shock was real and the sadness great. The only monarch most of us had ever known. Well respected. Immensely popular. Much loved. In a world of change, the Queen brought constancy. In a world of chaos, the Queen brought stability. Her passing marks the end of an era. We will miss her. We mourn for her.

In her FIrst Christmas Broadcast, away back in 1952, the Queen spoke of her desire to serve her subjects faithfully all the days of her life.

That noble desire was undoubtedly fulfilled.

What selfless devotion to duty she displayed! Travelling throughout the world, undertaking onerous tasks and fulfilling engagements even in advancing years – and even until the very last week of her life. She served her country and the Commonwealth so well.

But in that same Christmas Broadcast, before speaking about service to her subjects, she spoke about a greater service. Though herself a sovereign, she recognized the existence of a greater Sovereign – God Himself. She appreciated that to Him she was accountable.

Society may have, sadly, become increasingly secular, but the Queen spoke frequently and sincerely about her faith. Her Christianity was not nominal. Although she was Supreme Governor of the Church of England, it was more than just official. It was deeply personal.

The Queen evidently regarded Jesus Christ as the wisest Teacher. In her broadcasts, she would quote words that He spoke and refer to illustrations that He gave. She appeared to be particularly struck by His parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10.

The Queen evidently regarded Jesus Christ as the greatest Example. She spoke of His service and His sacrifice, His lowliness and His love as characteristics to follow.

The Queen evidently regarded Jesus Christ as the necessary Saviour. As she herself put it: “God sent into the world a unique person – neither a philosopher nor a general (important though they are) – but a Saviour, with the power to forgive. Forgiveness lies at the heart of the Christian faith.”

Though she had been born into the royal family and though she had lived a very respectable life, she understood that she, even she, required a Saviour. We all do.

We have sins which need to be forgiven before we can enter God’s family, sins which need to be forgiven before we can enter God’s Home. The Bible records that on the Cross “Christ died for our sins” (1 Corinthians 15:3). The Bible emphasizes the need for us to “believe on” (John 1:12) the Lord Jesus, the need for us to place our trust in Him. That initial step of faith is then followed by a life of faith. The Queen confessed: “I know that the only way to live my life is … to put my trust in God”. She recognized the Lord Jesus as the Prince of Peace, as her anchor.

At Balmoral Castle, Aberdeenshire, on Thursday, 8th September, the life of the Queen came peacefully to an end.

She died as Britain’s longest-reigning monarch – and because of that, she has her place in the history books.

She died as a beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and indeed matriarch of the nation – and because of that, she has her place in our hearts.

She died as a Christian, a believer, a follower of the Lord Jesus – and because of that, she has her place in Heaven.

In life, she was well-accustomed to palace life, but she has now entered a palace far more grand than any palace on earth. Neither her fame nor her fortune could fit her for that place, but her faith in the Lord Jesus unlocked the gate of Heaven and let her in. Our Queen is now with the King of kings.

Such thoughts are a comfort. They are also a challenge.

We have been powerfully reminded of the reality of death. We are not here forever. How vital to be prepared for the end of life and for the eternity that lies beyond! It was another monarch, King David, who declared: “Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon Thee” (Psalm 86:5). May we do what our late Queen did. Call upon the Lord and experience His unique power to forgive.


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