Glories Seen & Unseen (Study of the Headcovering)

$16.42 CAD

Many Christians simply brush off the question of whether or not a woman should cover her head while she is praying or during meetings of the church. They consider the topic to be of low priority. What real significance does a head covering have in the 21st century anyway?

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SKU: 9780979538728
Author: Henderson, Warren
ISBN-13: 9780979538728
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Glories Seen & Unseen: A Study of the Head Covering
By: Warren Henderson


Expanded Edition!

Many Christians simply brush off the question of whether or not a woman should cover her head while she is praying or during meetings of the church. They consider the topic to be of low priority. What real significance does a head covering have in the 21st century anyway?

So, what does the Bible specifically  teach about head covering? Should women wear a head covering today during church meetings or at other times? What were the headdress practices of the early Church? Is a woman’s hair an acceptable covering for her? Was Paul’s teaching only addressing converted prostitutes? These and many more questions will be addressed within the confines of this book.  ~from the Introduction

*What is Symbolic Truth?
*What were the Old Testament Headdress Practices?
*Who is Paul’s Target Audience?
*What is Headship?
*But When?
*What Constitutes a Head Covering?



Warren Henderson was an aerospace engineer and now serves the Lord with his wife Brenda in “full time” ministry. They are commended from Believers Bible Chapel in Rockford, Illinois. Warren is an itinerant Bible teacher and is involved in writing, evangelism, and church planting. He is the author of Be Angry and Sin Not, Behold the Saviour, The Fruitful Vine, The Olive Plants, Hallowed Be Thy Name, Mind Frames, Seeds of Destiny, Your Home: A Birthing Place for Heaven, and In Search of God.



ISBN-13: 9780979538728
Dimensions: 5.5 x 8.0″
Binding: Paper
Pages: 134
Publisher: Warren Henderson (3rd Edition 2007)
Weight: 0.375lbs
Author: Henderson, Warren