Wednesday, June 11, 2014


DAILY?READINGS: Deut. 26:16 to 27:26; Amos 1-2; Luke 13:22-35

Come unto me all you who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

This is an invitation first of all to the sinner who is burdened and distressed by the guilt and tragedy of his sin. To such the Saviour holds out His hands in welcome, offering forgiveness. But you must come repentant and trusting, believing that His death on the cross is sufficient to pay for your sins. Come and know the rest of His love and forgiveness. But it is also an invitation to the Christian who is burdened with the cares and anxieties of this life. Cast your anxieties upon Him and know the rest of His love and care. He does love you. —Donald L. Norbie

Peace, perfect peace, in this dark world of sin?
The blood of Jesus whispers peace within.
—Edward H. Bickersteth