Another New Henderson Title – The Evil Nexus

New arrival!

The Evil Nexus: Are You Aiding the Enemy?
By: Warren Henderson

“Nexus” speaks of a connection which links two or more things together. The Evil Nexus investigates seven ways that Christians can, often unwittingly, be unnaturally linked with the devil to accomplish his wicked agenda. Paul sharply rebuked believers in Galatia for their destructive conduct towards each other (Gal. 5:15). Regrettably, this onslaught continues to this day. The Christian community is the only army on earth which regularly permits the assault of its own soldiers, resolutely ignores their wounded, and abandons those missing in action.

Dear believer, is it possible that you are actively harming the body of Christ through devil-like behavior? Instead of being an ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ, could you be the puppet of Satan, wreaking havoc in the Church? Is it possible that your envy, critical spirit, and pride have blinded you to the fact that you have become a meat cleaver in the devil’s hand to hack down the bride of Christ? Is the devil using you as bullhorn to incite his evil agenda in others? Peer down, look closely: is the splattered blood of your brethren soiling your self-righteous attire? Oh God, deliver us from the pagan sacrilege of offering such blood sacrifices to the god of this age! This carnage must stop! The Lord said, “every city or house divided against itself will not stand” (Matt. 12:25). How can the Church represent Christ to lost souls when believers are devouring each other? For the glory of God, may we consider our ways, repent, and stop aiding the enemy!

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Monday, February 2, 2015


DAILY?READINGS: Gen. 40; Psalm 18:1-29; Matt. 23


When they were filled, he said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost.  John 6:12

Gathering up the leftovers or fragments is often our last worry after eating a large meal! Yet Jesus gave specific instructions to do just that. Week by week we enjoy spiritual food, fed to us through the ministering of God’s Word in our local church. It is a blessing, but can also make us lazy when it comes to gathering rich “fragments” for ourselves. Let us be challenged to “gather up the fragments” and discover the inestimable treasure to be found there! —E. V.

Break thou the Bread of life, dear Lord to me,
As thou didst break the loaves beside the sea.
Within the sacred page, I seek thee Lord,
My spirit pants for thee, O living Word.
—M. A. Lathbury