Thursday, March 19, 2015


DAILY?READINGS: Exodus 36; Psalm 89:1-18; Acts 21:17-40


…woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel.  1 Corinthians 9:16

A visit to the City of Bristol in England can afford the opportunity to visit the original meeting place of Methodist preacher John Wesley. The premises are spartan and simple but describe how John Wesley and his followers carried out their desire to spread the Gospel throughout the United Kingdom. Wesley travelled 400,000 kilometers on horseback and this in itself is testament to the dedication of his purpose to spread the Gospel. May we emulate such fervour in seeking to reach those who are lost with the Gospel message. —Brian Powlesland

God loved the world so that He gave His only Son the lost to save;
That all who would on Him believe, might everlasting life receive.
—Thomas B. Gilbert