Saturday, August 27, 2016

DAILY?READINGS: 2 Samuel 10-11; Habakkuk 2; Romans 15:14-33

He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love. Song of Solomon 2:4

These words acquire a special significance when we view them as portraying figuratively what God has done spiritually for each believer. Our salvation is rooted solidly in what God, in grace, has done for us. Our acceptance in “the banqueting house” is entirely God’s doing. His grace provided all, even though the cost was nothing less than the death of His Son. The “banner over us” guarantees that we are all eternally secure, for His love will never end! —George Hall

O, I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine;
He brings a poor, vile sinner into His house of wine;
I stand upon His merit, I know no other stand,
Not e’en where glory dwelleth, in Immanuel’s land. —A. R. Cousin