Monday, September 11, 2017

DAILY READINGS: 1 Kings 3:1-28; Jeremiah 11:1-23; Ephesians 4:17-32

She hath done what she could. Mark 14:8

What a commendation by the Saviour! She may not have been able to do much for the Lord, but what she could do, she did do. She had a tremendous appreciation of the Lord she loved. We too may not be able to do much for Him. Be assured, however, we will be blessed for our labours for Him. The Lord never asked us to be successful but to be faithful. Surely that is what matters the most. —John M. Clegg

I just keep trusting my Lord as I walk a long;
I just keep trusting my Lord and He gives a song.
Though the storm clouds darken the sky o’er the heav’nly trail,
I just keep trusting my Lord, He will never fail. —J. Peterson