Saturday, September 16, 2017

DAILY READINGS: 1 Kings 8:31-66; Jer. 16:1-21; Philippians 1:21-2:11

Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27

Another has commented—“How wonderful is this truth, that our Lord indwells the hearts of His people! Yet this is just one of three ways we need to know Him. I need to know Christ for me, Christ in me and Christ through me. Christ dying on the cross for me—my substitution and sacrifice. Christ living in my heart—my sanctification and satisfaction. Christ speaking through me by my life—my service and sufficiency. Those who are indwelt and controlled by Christ, find in Him their all-in-all.” —Pete Smith

I take salvation full and free,
Through Him who gave His life for me,
He undertakes my all to be:
I take—He undertakes. —A. B. Simpson