Lord’s Day, August 14, 2022

1 Samuel 21:1-22:23; Isaiah 61:1-11; Romans 6:1-14

They pierced my hands and my feet. Psalm 22:16

His hands touched the tongue of the dumb and they spoke (Mark 7:33-35). His hands touched lepers and they were cleansed (Matt. 8:3). He touched a funeral bier and the young man on it came back to life (Luke 7:14-15). His feet walked a perfect pathway, neither deviating, faltering or wandering—a pathway of true obedience to His Father God. Yet He allowed those same hands and feet to have nails driven through them at Calvary. Such was His love for you
and me. —John M. Clegg

Crucified! Crucified!
And nailed upon the tree!
With pierced hands and feet and side!
For you! For me! —C. A. Miles