Lord’s Day, April 17, 2016

DAILY?READINGS: Leviticus 24; Psalms 137-138; Mark 9:33-50

I watch, and am as a sparrow alone upon the house top. Psalm 102:7

The lonely sparrow keeps its vigil atop the storm-swept roof. Protection, companionship and hope are unknown as he keeps alert and waits. Calvary’s solitary vigil, too, was kept. There was no need for its silent Sufferer to watch. He had been forsaken. There, having been buffeted by the storms of God’s wrath, He died for you and me.
—Arnot P. McIntee

Alone, yes, all alone, the Saviour died for me;
Alone, yes, all alone, from sin to set me free;
Without a hope, this world was sunk in sin and shame until,
The Saviour came to do the Father’s will.
—Helen Griggs