Monday, April 1, 2024

Leviticus 8:1-36; Psalm 108:1-13; Mark 1:1-20

The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Psalm 14:1

One day I was preaching in the open air, standing at a place that was surrounded by a low single link chain. I noticed a man coming straight for me, his arms flapping about as he shouted “There’s no God, there’s no God”. As he approached where I was, he tripped over the chain and landed facedown in front of me. I stopped preaching and helped him up. He then said to me “You know who did that to me? God did that to me!” How foolish to pretend
there is no God. Even the atheist will one day acknowledge Him as Lord. —Sid Halsband

Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me;
I once was lost, but now I’m found, was blind but now I see.  —John Newton