Wednesday, March 2, 2016

DAILY?READINGS: Exodus 21; Psalms 62-63; Acts 11:19-30

And she went up, and laid him on the bed of the man of God, and shut the door upon him, and went out. 2 Kings 4:21

An unspeakable tragedy had taken place in the home of this Shunammite woman. Her only son had died. It is worthy of note how this godly woman responded to the crisis. She put her son on Elisha’s bed, closed the door, and ran to him. There are times when crises arise in our life, where there’s nothing we can do to reverse the situation. The example of the godly Shunammite is surely our best recourse—to close the door, and leave it with the Lord. —W. H. Burnett

The sorrows of the daily life,
The shadows o’er my path which fall,
Too oft obscure the glory’s light,
Until I rise above them all. —Author Unknown