Thursday, June 8, 2017

DAILY READINGS: Deut. 22:1-23:8; Joel 3:1-21; Luke 12:22-40

Abraham…said [unto Sarah], Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth. Gen. 18:6

Following this request there was no protest from Sarah. How thankful we brethren should be for true help-meets who are willing to assist in the domestic sphere—especially when unexpected visitors arrive. Abraham was no male chauvinist as he did his part in arranging the meal and entertaining the heavenly guests. Let us also make sure there is that quality of domestic harmony so that home is a place where visitors enjoy coming to. —Brian Russell

In You a man may love his bride, enough to be her guard and guide,
And rule with tender heart.
And wives will gladly work inYou, to aid the good their husbands do;
Delighted in their part. —Joshua Drake