Monday, October 31, 2022

1 Chronicles 12:1-40; Ezekiel 13:1-23; John 4:31-54

These that have turned the world upside down. Acts 17:6

The town of Thetford in Suffolk has a prominent statue erected in memory of Thomas Paine who, amongst other things, was a critic of the Christian faith. Scrutiny of the statue shows him holding a book he wrote called “The Rights of Man” which is upside down—allegedly intended by the sculptor to stimulate discussion. I wonder whether he knew that the early Christian believers “turned the world upside down”. Lives can still be turned upside down if only people were to read the Bible, believe it and apply it. —Brian Powlesland

Oh Lord, all the world belongs to You,
And You are always making all things new.
What is wrong You forgive, and the new life You give,
Is what’s turning the world upside down. —Patrick Appleford