Saturday, December 4, 2021

2 Chronicles 34:1-33; Daniel 2:1-23; 1 John 4:1-21

Men (and women) ought always to pray, and not to faint (give up). Luke 18:1

In times of distress and need, we know that we ought always to seek God’s help in prayer. However, it is the last part of this verse that is a challenge to us. A woman in the assembly I attended prayed for my father for over 50 years that he would come to a saving knowledge of Christ. The Lord answered her prayer and
my father trusted the Lord. She said, “I never gave up praying for him.” Are you waiting for answered prayers? Never give up! —Bob Cretney

Blessed hour of prayer, blessed hour of prayer,
What a balm for the weary, oh, how sweet to be there!  —Fanny J. Crosby