Saturday, December 11, 2021

Ezra 7:1-28; Daniel 8:1-27; Revelation 3:7-22

As they were eating the stew, that they cried out and said, “Man of God, there is death in the pot!” 2 Kings 4:40 NKJV

Elisha came to Gilgal during a famine and commanded that a pot of stew be set before the prophets. Food was scarce, so wild gourds were added to the pot. When the stew was served it was found to be unsafe to eat, but Elisha added flour to the pot and purified its contents and everyone ate the stew without harm. Only God can displace death with life, for He is life. The flour put into the pot, pictures what the Lord Jesus did to offer us life—He cast Himself into death, so that those who would partake of Him would receive
life (John 6:32-35). The Lord Jesus experienced the death we deserved so we can experience His life. Praise be to God! —W. A. H.

Under the burdens of guilt and care, many a spirit is grieving,
Who in the joy of the Lord might share, life everlasting receiving. —W. Leslie