Thursday, January 5, 2023

Genesis 6:1-7:10; Job 8:1-22; Matthew 5:1-20

He is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. Luke 6:35

Keepers at The Tower of London were thrilled last year to see healthy chicks growing in the nests of its resident population of ravens. I learned that the collective name for a group of ravens is not “a flock” but strangely “an unkindness” – so an “unkindness of ravens”. Ornithologists tell us that this choice of word is not entirely appropriate, because by nature ravens show a marked level of kindness, such as consoling fellow ravens when they lose one of their own. Like the Lord, believers should show kindness, even in the face of evil and unthankfulness. —Brian Powlesland

O God of love, You’ve taught us, You’ve shown us what to do;
Be just, commit to kindness, walk humbly here with You.
Your Spirit gives us courage to truly live this way.
May love become our message: may kindness win the day. —C. Gillette