Lord’s Day, November 4, 2012

DAILY?READINGS: 1 Chronicles 17-18; Ezekiel 17; John 6:22-40



This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye Him. Matthew 17:5


God’s beloved Son, the Author of life, entered a scene of disease and death but remained untainted, unspotted, flawless and faultless. He took on Himself human flesh, partook of our humanity and unresistingly went to Gethsemane, Gabbatha and Golgotha. There He would make reconciliation between a righteous God and the fallen man He had created in His image! —Drew Craig

Oh spotless Lamb of God in Thee,
The Father’s holiness we see;
And with delight Thy children trace in Thee,
His wondrous love and grace. —Mary J. O. Walker