Tuesday, January 15, 2013

DAILY?READINGS: Gen. 20-21; Job 23-24; Matt. 11:2-30

Prepare to meet thy God.    Amos 4:12
Therefore be ye also ready; for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh.    Matthew 24:44


I talked to a friend some years ago. He said to me, “I have prepared for many things in this life. I have made provision for my wife if I should die, but I have not prepared to meet God.” Not long after that conversation, he died. How tragic. Life is short. Are you ready to meet God if you should die today? Are you ready if Jesus returns tonight? Prepare to meet your God.    —J. Fleming


We are walking on life’s pathway, trav’ling to eternity,
Where our loved ones went before us, to their final destiny.
I must choose the road that I will travel, if one day in glory I’ll be,
Then on that day when this life’s over, heaven will be home for me.
—J. Fleming