Friday, April 8, 2022

Leviticus 14:33-57; Psalm 119:41-72; Mark 5:1-20

The Lord direct your hearts into the love of God.  2 Thessalonians 3:5

There are times when our hearts are pulled in more than one direction. Our heavenly Father knows when we are torn with indecision and in danger of heading down the wrong path. He then intervenes in love to redirect our hearts, aligning them with His thoughts. His ways and means of doing so may sometimes confuse us and be painful, but is always for our good, skillfully guiding us back to His loving arms. —E. V.

Saviour lead us by Thy power, safe into the promised rest;
Choose the path, the way whatever, seems to Thee, O Lord, the best;
Be our guide in every peril, watch and keep us night and day,
Else our foolish hearts will wander from the straight and narrow way.  —William Williams